Organisors of Hong Kong Masters Atheletics Championships 2017/18

DBSAC 拔萃男書院田徑會

Past organisors of Hong Kong Masters Athletics Championships

2017香港先進田徑錦標賽已於11月12日圓滿結束,歷時兩天,超過一千位來自二十多個本地田總屬會與海外隊伍的運動員參與其中,這亦是全港最大型成人參與的田徑賽事之一,盛況空前,成績美滿。今年由於報名踴躍,各項目競爭尤為激烈,就如女子90歲組也有三位運動員出戰爭奪100m冠軍,場面感人!連天年組別尚且如此,其他歲數組別的競爭慘烈程度可見一班!最後,比賽就在一個和風細雨的秋夜中拉下帷幕,又一個令人懷念的 Hong Kong Masters! 明年再見!

More than 1000 athletes from 15 local affiliated clubs and 7 overseas teams showed up at the two-day meet. Track and Field event with such huge number of adult participants could be viewed as one of the largest Track And Field meets in Hong Kong. Entrants jumped up more than 60% compared with the meet of last year. The meet featured 30 events, 7 events were added to this year.
Not surprisingly, DBS boys dominated the team champions while SCAA girls topped the medals of table of this year and they have been holding the titles for last three consecutive year respectively.

年齡是公開的,體態是了然的,笑容是真切的,歡呼是由心的,汗水是淋漓的,在這個一切都是真實的環境中,原來友情可以那麽簡單,原來歡笑能夠如此純簡,原來情緒可以這樣正面,原來膝蓋並不是不可信賴,原來耗盡力氣後那感覺是如此奇妙,原來浮生可以這樣過,原來這是一個沒有懲罰與損失,只有喜悅與激情的聚會,原來這是Hong Kong Masters Athletics Championships!

是日風清天朗和而不酷,為歷屆先進賽以來所遇上的最好時光,一貫的笑容, 熟悉的面孔,拼力的演出,狂放的吶喊,10月27與28兩天,運動場一直在激動與震撼著。比賽尤為激,群雄並舉,逐鹿中原,爭分秒,奪高遠,過程高潮迭起,峰路廻轉,雖是多年知交,賽場上亦絕不留手!縱是寸土必爭,賽場下又攜手並肩,最可喜的是本屆成績有大幅提高,計男子60項/86人次破大會記錄,女子51項/87人次破大會紀錄,冠絕往屆,難忘情景不單擠滿了手機,也擠滿在TKO的上空,更擠滿了我們的回憶!明秋再見!