DBSAC 拔萃男書院田徑會





Organisers of Hong Kong Masters Athletics Championships 2019

  Past organisers of Hong Kong Masters Athletics Championships



DBSAC 拔萃男書院田徑會



Brazini Co.










K & K Tailor





Important Notice

Appreciated the support from all of the registrants, sponsors, partners and officials to the Championships.

Due to the recent instability in the society, we expect the traffic will be jammed and there will be confrontations throughout the city this Saturday and Sunday. In order to ensure safety for all registrants and officials, we have no choice but to officially cancel the Hong Kong Masters Athletics Champipnships 2019.

Further arrangement will be announced later.

HKMAC 2017

HKMAC 2018

Re: HKMAC 2019 Refunds.
We, ( Sin On Yuen, Wong Wai Ho, Alice Lok, Cecila Tse & Alex Ko ), the 5 organizing committee members of HKMAC 2019, write to clarify our position relating to the email announcement made by Liu Keung of Chinese Sports Recreation Association on/about 19 December 2019. ( Mr. Liu Keung is currently the 6 HKMAC OC members).
We are alarmed and disillusioned of the notifications made by CSRA(華人運動員協會,下同) in the name of OC members without any consulting of the above 5 organising committee members. We regret to advice you that the contents on the refunds stated in the said notice have never been approved by the OC members. In our view, we also considered the decision on refunds is inappropriate and the refund amount is unreasonable.
Since late September last year, we have been urging CSRA to release the official accounts of HKMAC 2019. Especially in November when the decision to cancel the event was made and we have to consider the way forward. With regrets, our repeated requests is made to CSRA to produce the event accounts, all relevant payments of receipts and any bona fuse records justify the expenses made was denied. As such, the HKMAC OC members can’t agree to the refund made unilaterally by CSRA. We are still seeking different means to reconcile the situation.
Since the inception of HKMAC 2014, all members and clubs came together to organize the event on a voluntary bases. All HKMAC OC members are appointed by the HKAAA. We owe a fiduciary duty and moral obligation to 3A and all participants.
As past organizers of the HKMAC has kept transparent records and books. As organizers of the HKMAC event are of a voluntary basis and cancellation of the 2019 events was made as a safety precaution to all participants, the organizers must produce an account so that the HKMAC can makes a decision of how to deal with fees collected. The HKMAC OC members are not disclaiming any responsibility. We value your opinions and you are encourage to express your views.

Thank you.